VLADSTUDIO壁纸【1920x1200】素描簿 fookajaka (画家创造的怪物)sketchbook fookajaka 【2008-11-3 Vlad Gerasimov: Fookajaka is a creature we invented when it was too hot in summer. It is made from Foo kak zharko! which in Russian means OMG it is so hot weather!】
VLADSTUDIO壁纸【1920x1200】巴黎地图 paris map(Vlad Gerasimov 画了一张巴黎地图作为礼物,送给他的要去巴黎度蜜月的朋友。)【2008-5-15 Vlad Gerasimov: I made this map as wedding gift to a friend of mine who was going to have honeymoon travel to Paris.】
VLADSTUDIO壁纸【1920x1200】雷电 thunder 【2008-7-17 Vlad Gerasimov: We had very scary storm tonight, and I made some photos of it. This wallpaper is 100% photo, not drawing or Photoshop filter :-) Photo taken with Canon 400D, Sigma 17-70 lens. Hue and levels slightly adjusted in Photoshop.】