jenny是一位特拉维夫的插画师,自己也做小娃娃住在她自己称之为“in a small room with a big table and two big windows where I can see a piece of sky and trees, sometimes a cloud passing by… sometimes a bird..”怪不得她的画那么浪漫,但最有趣的还是她的笔记本。
jenny是一位特拉维夫的插画师,自己也做小娃娃住在她自己称之为“in a small room with a big table and two big windows where I can see a piece of sky and trees, sometimes a cloud passing by… sometimes a bird..”怪不得她的画那么浪漫,但最有趣的还是她的笔记本。
jenny是一位特拉维夫的插画师,自己也做小娃娃住在她自己称之为“in a small room with a big table and two big windows where I can see a piece of sky and trees, sometimes a cloud passing by… sometimes a bird..”怪不得她的画那么浪漫,但最有趣的还是她的笔记本。