“Coiffure Playmobil et Bouton Fleur”, Le panoramic map of New York City rep.1851 Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“Caramel Elastique Chewing Gum”, New York Central and Hudson River rep.1876 Railroad map Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“Le Petit Canard Danceuse Ballerine”, Balloon map of London rep. 1831 Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2011 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“Dans les Nuages, les Cigognes”, Los angeles panoramic sightseeing map, rep. 1932 Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“La Barque des Giraffes”, map of New York from the Battery rep. 1892 Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“La Bulle de Savon Multicolore”, USA Railroad map Atchison, rep. 1888 Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“Le Tableau Noir et la Cloche”, panoramic map of New York City rep.1851 Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“Le Trésor des Corsaires Coquillages”, Known world map of the world, rep. 1565 Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“Jerusalem Artichaud et Topinambour”, Jerusalem City Map Historic Holy Land, rep. 1660 Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“Le Trèfle à 4 Feuilles et le Lutin Blanc”, Dublin Ireland Historic City Plan map, rep. 1797 Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“L’Étoile et la Souris Dent de Lait”, map of Connectucut, Long Island & Manhattan rep. 1777 Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“Pop Corn Edelweiss Pop”, Rivers and mountains of the world, rep. 1849 with gold leaves Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“Coquille de Noix et Allumette”, Bird Eye View of San Francisco rep. 1846 Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“L’Aventure Peter Pan”, Voyage of Sir Francis Drake Cartagena Columbia map rep. 1585 Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“Le Poisson d’Argent Volant”, Voyage of Sir Francis Drake Santo Domingo map, rep. 1585 Signed and sealed E.L Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“Pierre Verte, Rubis Rouge”, Voyage of Sir Francis Drake Saint Augustine map rep. 1585 Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request
“Le Voyage dans les Entrailles”, Voyage of Sir Francis Drake Atlantic Ocean map, rep. 1585 Signed and sealed E.L. Elisabeth Lecourt, 2012 841 x 594 x 30 mm, price on request