"G.I. Jane" Barbara “魔鬼女大兵”芭芭拉 Shoe number ten, a green pump with a small toy soldier at the toe, was influenced by 'GI Jane' Barbara. 十号鞋子是一只绿色的无带轻便舞鞋,鞋尖上有一个玩具兵。这只鞋是献给“魔鬼女大兵”芭芭拉的。 小编注:《魔鬼女大兵》G.I. Jane是1997年8月22日上映的一部美国动作…
"The Rock"Alice “磐石”爱丽丝 Shoe number 12 is 'The Rock' Alice. 'She knew we would be together long before I ever did,' Mr Errazuriz writes. 'She also knew we would eventually break although I always wanted to believe otherwise. 第十二号鞋子是“磐石”爱丽丝。“早在我之前她就知道我们会在一起,” …
"The Ghost" Valentina “幽灵”瓦伦蒂娜 Shoe number 11, which is made purely of white wire, is dedicated to 'The Ghost' Valentina, a woman he loved 'a little'. 十一号鞋完全是以白色的缆线为材质,这只鞋是献给“幽灵” 瓦伦蒂娜的,他对这个女人只是“有一点点喜欢”。
"G.I. Jane" Barbara “魔鬼女大兵”芭芭拉 Shoe number ten, a green pump with a small toy soldier at the toe, was influenced by 'GI Jane' Barbara. 十号鞋子是一只绿色的无带轻便舞鞋,鞋尖上有一个玩具兵。这只鞋是献给“魔鬼女大兵”芭芭拉的。 小编注:《魔鬼女大兵》G.I. Jane是1997年8月22日上映的一部美国动作…
"Jet Setter" Jessicca “旅行者”杰西卡 “You know my dad has a plane. He never really used it" She whispered. Her father is an important man, I am sure the family had several planes... “你知道,我爸爸有一驾私人飞机。他几乎没有用过这架飞机。” 杰西卡悄声说。她的爸爸是一个重要人物,我相信她家拥有几部…
. "the virgin" Anna “处子”安娜 Shoe number seven, for 'The Virgin' Anna is a white wedge with the Virgin Mary as the shoe's heels. 七号鞋子名叫“处子”安娜,这只白色的坡跟鞋的鞋跟是圣母玛利亚的塑像。
. "Hot lady" Caroline “辣妹”卡洛琳 Shoe number six is named after 'Hot Lady' Caroline, who earned the artist disapproving looks from women, but envious looks from men. 六号鞋被命名为“辣妹”卡洛琳,这是一个让女人投来嫌恶神情、男人投来嫉妒目光的女友。
. "Heart Breaker" Laura “让我心碎的人” 劳拉 Shoe number four tells the story of 'Heart Breaker' Laura, who broke the artist's heart, marrying someone else. 四号鞋讲述了“令我心碎的人”劳拉的故事。她另嫁他人,伤透了这位艺术家的心。
. "Cry Baby" Alexandra “哭泣的宝贝”亚历山德拉 Shoe number two is designed after 'Cry Baby' Alexandra who hung out with the artist to get over a breaking up with her ex- boyfriend. 二号鞋子是为“哭泣的宝贝”亚历山德拉设计的,她和艺术家在一起是为了治愈自己和前男友分手的伤痛。
Honey" Natasha “甜心”娜塔莎 The artist starts with shoe number, a yellow wedge made out of mesh to resemble honeycomb for 'Honey' Natasha -- who was so nice he broke up with her. 艺术家首先设计了一号鞋。这只黄色的坡跟鞋由无数线圈组成,形如蜂巢,是为“甜心”娜塔莎而作——他与娜塔莎分手是因为她太过…