Sometimes the hills and fields are almost magic Parts are in shadow and other parts are sublime Colors like jewels fade into the deep dark valleys And bright green pastures fade and hide and shine
Ring away bells Hurl your tortured cries across the valleys Fill the silent air moaning Roll your wailing over the fields and hills Reach the farthest mountains Echo from range to range Of swinging bells Swing you happy sadness Swing into the hearts of men Ring away your discords Pierce th
A wild valley never touched by man Hidden quiet clean a silent land Where shrubs and oaks and grass and tall trees stand Planted by God and angels all by hand
To be to think to feel to know you are There is no greater fact however far You search and ponder wonder think and muse Of all creation that’s the greatest ruse
Out of the sea a magic beyond dreams Rises and hurtles upwards to the sky Covered with holly sage and oak and pine Range after range out of the ocean brine
Forested hillsides rising to the sky From of the ocean deep to way up high And interlaced with pastures cool and green And gentle winds wiping the treetops clean
Sometimes the hills and fields are almost magic Parts are in shadow and other parts are sublime Colors like jewels fade into the deep dark valleys And bright green pastures fade and hide and shine
A touch of autumn blazing reds and gold After the summer's gone and winter's night Even the tree trunks framing the valleys wild Stand out like sentinels reaching way up high
SPOT OF MAGIC Medium : Estate Serigraph Image Size : 24" x 36" Edition Size: 200 Printers Proof: 5 Hors Commerce : 7 Working Proofs: 2 Total edition : 214 Date of Release: 2009
ORCHARD IN BLOOM Medium : Estate Serigraph Image Size : 20" x 16" Edition Size: 200 Printers Proof: 5 Hors Commerce : 7 Working Proofs: 2 Total edition : 214 Date of Release: 2003
OAK TREE Medium : Estate Serigraph Image Size : 12" x 9" Edition Size: 200 Printers Proof: 5 Hors Commerce : 7 Working Proofs: 2 Total edition : 214 Date of Release: 2004
OAK FIELD ARROYO Medium : Estate Serigraph Image Size : 11 1/4" x 16" Edition Size: 200 Printers Proof: 5 Hors Commerce : 7 Working Proofs: 2 Total edition : 214 Date of Release: 2009
MEADOWS INTO THE DISTANCE Medium : Estate Serigraph Image Size : 14" x 8 1/2" Edition Size: 200 Printers Proof: 5 Hors Commerce : 7 Working Proofs: 2 Total edition : 214 Date of Release: 2010